Our Approach
We all aspire towards having more energy and well being to lead a more productive, happy, and satisfying life. Salus physicians will address every aspect of your healthcare needs, so that you can be a healthier you!
Our integrative approach focuses on finding and addressing the root cause of your symptoms and offer safe and natural options along with conventional pharmaceutical interventions when appropriate.
Our treatments and protocols are all individualized and specialized laboratory testing may be necessary to help confirm the root cause of some conditions, most of these tests are covered by your insurance plan.
An interdisciplinary, patient-specific plan will be formulated in collaboration with your primary care team to get to the underlying drivers of your current health status. Lifestyle improvement and nutrition are often an essential element of our programs.

Lyme Disease Although usually very easy to treat, the conventional practice has failed many inflicted with Lyme’s disease. The International Lyme and Association Diseases Society has the research and experience to treat this sometimes very sinister infection. Salus is one of the only practices that support Lyme-literacy and our doctors can often shed new evidence-based knowledge on your tick-borne infection

Genetic predisposition is not a guarantee that a patient will develop cancerous cells. Triggers such as food dyes and genetically modified food is finally being formally recognized as carcinogenic. Even when there are no other conventional options, Salus physicians will work with you and your oncologists to incorporate every integrative option into your primary treatment plan. We employ whole foods, energy medicine, and other evidence-based natural interventions that improve cancer outcomes.

For many people with immune disorders, dealing with the condition is a long and uphill battle. In many cases, the cause of long-standing symptoms is never determined and treated with symptom-masking pills. Salus physicians carefully evaluate your medical history to detect and uncover the root cause of your immune condition. Once identified, in many cases very simple treatments can correct and prevent future diseases.

Pain medications are best considered as band-aids in your disease condition to be used while your body undergoes the healing process. Chronic pain is a serious and difficult therapeutic problem that requires much more than just pills. Salus physicians understand all of the available options and are prepared to help you explore each one of them in your quest to become pain-free.

Nutrition Nothing impacts your health more than the food you eat! The link between illnesses and diet is absolutely undeniable and has been proven time and again. Our experts at Salus WellCare put nutrition first in virtually every one of our treatment plans. “Dieting” is almost never the answer as most patients need a fundamental understanding of how the food they are eating is affecting their health.

Worried about your weight? Did you know that most obese patients are actually malnourished?!?! There are simple and highly effective natural interventions that can dramatically reduce your extra weight. Many achieve their goals without any significant change in their dietary options.

Substance Abuse Substance abuse is a physical as well as a mental condition. Many psychiatric issues are caused by physical issues such as thyroid disease or low-level infection. Our board-certified Internists will take your clinical condition holistically and are trained to handle the entire spectrum of problems that are attached to substance abuse using the mind-body-soul approach.

Sleep Food and sleep are the two main pillars of our health and emotional well-being. Nothing sets you up for success like a good night’s sleep. Our doctors at Salus can help get at the root cause of the problem causing your disordered sleep and favor non-pharmaceutical options to get a great night’s rest.

Intravenous (IV) Nutrients The mainstay of hospital-based care, intravenous (IV) infusion therapy has a tremendous number of benefits. The vast majority of our population is deficient in at least one nutrient and these deficiencies are often the root cause of many stubborn conditions. Salus offers a variety of personalized formulations of nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, and boosters to correct or enhance your health.

Do you have symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, depression/anxiety, headaches or sugar cravings? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Although we all have some degree of stress in our lives whether emotional, environmental or physical, our bodies are not designed to undergo prolonged stress as this will lead to adrenal fatigue or burnout. Salus WellCare physicians will do thorough testing for you adrenal glands and help to rebalance them naturally!

This poorly understood syndrome has yet to find a cure. However, where conventional medicine has a limited number of treatment options, there are a tremendous number of simple interventions patients and family members can take to reduce its progression and greatly improve their loved one's quality of life.

A great sportsman once said that "Father Time is undefeated" and though he is definitely right, there are many strategies to slow both the internal and external effects of aging. Salus WellCare physicians will coach you into bringing your best game and putting up a great fight in your competition against Father Time!

Those of us that have allergies pay a price for living in such a beautiful part of the nation. There are many natural options to support you in and out of the allergy season. Learn how to prevent flare ups and control exacerbations by speaking with Salus WellCare's dedicated team of holistic practitioners!

Continual research is uncovering countless exacerbating factors in the management of these diseases. Our board certified rheumatologist will oversee the care we provide to you in conjunction with your existing doctors to make sure you understand every option available to you with primary goals of reducing pain/fatigue and improving the quality of your life.

If you are being told there is nothing else that can be done for your condition, Salus WellCare board certified Internal Medicine specialists will take pride in offering you and your primary care team more options. We have extensive experience in caring for virtually every major chronic condition and are ready to interlock arms with you as we walk towards understanding the management of even the most rarest conditions.

The business of "detoxification" is a growing fad and though there are a lot of strategies to improve the bodies system of elimination, some are more useful than others. Salus doctors will help you pick out the BEST strategies for you to improve your overall health and possibly even eliminate some long-standing issues that could be related, ie. rashes, acne, well-being, etc.

Improve your blood sugar control and reduce the number and doses of your antidiabetic medications through all natural, non-pharmaceutical interventions.

It is very common for couples that are trying to start a family to struggle at first. With our fertility team standing by, Salus physicians will help you or your loved ones distinguish a stress-related matter from an organic syndrome as the root cause of this problem and develop an appropriate support plan for the couple.

Although the diagnosis of celiac sprue has become fairly commonplace, eliminating gluten from the diet is easier said than done. Consult with your Salus doctor to learn more about this life-altering condition and arm yourself with an individualized plan to manage future exposures.

Easily the biggest contributor to our national mortality, most heart disease CAN be prevented. We partner with your existing doctors to undertake every available tool in the fight against cardiovascular disease and employ the most comprehensive and extensive evidence-based diagnostic testing for biomarkers and imaging of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cholesterol.

Hypercholesterolism is not ONLY genetic, there are many interventions that can improve your cholesterol numbers. Statins are wonderful drugs that should be appropriately supported by diet, stress reduction, and lifestyle modification for optimal benefit. Did you know that appropriate dietary supplementation can be a major accelerator of these benefits? Come and see our team to learn more.

Many will say that high blood pressure is an inevitable part of living in the United States. Salus physicians believe that it doesn't have to be. Consult with us before you develop the first signs of this sometimes deadly precursor of more serous disease. There are simply interventions that can reduce or even eliminate the need for conventional pharmaceutical therapy.

Do you suffer from acid reflux/GERD or have you been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or multiple food allergies? This may be due to an unhealthy gut microbiome and Leaky Gut. Our physicians will perform specialized testing to asses your overall gut health. We will help you to improve your gut health and restore the proper balance to your gut microbiome naturally so that you will achieve optimal health.

Continual research is increasingly uncovering the link between widely available products and immunological disease. In many cases, the onset of these symptoms is insidious and not easily associated with an immunological cause. Through careful history and examination, Salus physicians can help evaluate this mechanism as a root cause for your condition.

Whether you're dealing with cancer or the common cold, many patients are using intravenous (IV) vitamin C and other IV therapies to their benefit. We also offer the Myers Cocktail and other replenishing treatments for skin conditions, migraine, immune system, and for overall health.

Stress is undisputedly confirmed to be an exacerbating condition in virtually every disease known to man. Your response to stress can literally be the difference between life and death and Salus physicians are here to help you prepare that response.